
login Matched route

Route Parameters

No parameters.

Route Matching Logs

Path to match: /login
# Route name Path Log
1 ajax_ecomodel /ajax/ecomodel Path does not match
2 ajax_getecomodel_test /ajax/ecomodel/test/{id} Path does not match
3 ajax_piece_add /ajax/piece/add/ Path does not match
4 ajax_piece_update /ajax/{id}/piece/update/ Path does not match
5 ajax_pieces_list /ajax/pieces/list/ Path does not match
6 ajax_piece_delete /ajax/piece/delete/ Path does not match
7 ajax_dashboard /ajax/dashboard/ Path does not match
8 ajax_plan_information /ajax/plan/information/ Path does not match
9 ajax_plan_information_update /ajax/plan/{id}/information/update Path does not match
10 ajax_plans_information /ajax/plans/plans-information Path does not match
11 api_data /api_access Path does not match
12 load_bubble /load/{b_key} Path does not match
13 dashboard / Path does not match
14 documentation /documentation Path does not match
15 404 /page_introuvale/404 Path does not match
16 contact /contact Path does not match
17 dashboard_export /dashboard/export Path does not match
18 bills_list /bills/list Path does not match
19 bill_details /bills/{id}/details Path does not match
20 bubble /bubble Path does not match
21 bubble_sa_more /bubble/more Path does not match
22 bubble_add /bubble/add Path does not match
23 bubble_user_list /bubble/users Path does not match
24 bubble_user_update /bubble/profiles/{perm_id} Path does not match
25 re_send_activation /bubble/user/activate/{recipient_u_id}/{u_email} Path does not match
26 bubble_user_add /bubble/user/add Path does not match
27 bubble_profile_delete /bubble/profile/delete/{u_id} Path does not match
28 single_user_rights /bubble/profiles/user/{u_id} Path does not match
29 single_profiles_rights /bubble/profiles/rights/{perm_id} Path does not match
30 all_user_rights /bubble/profiles-default Path does not match
31 custom_error_400 /error-400 Path does not match
32 custom_error_401 /error-401 Path does not match
33 custom_error_403 /error-403 Path does not match
34 custom_error_404 /error-404 Path does not match
35 custom_error_408 /error-408 Path does not match
36 custom_error_409 /error-409 Path does not match
37 custom_error_429 /error-429 Path does not match
38 custom_error_500 /error-500 Path does not match
39 formation_list /formation-list Path does not match
40 formation_add /formation-add Path does not match
41 formation_update /formations-update/{structure_id} Path does not match
42 children_formation /formations-formation/{structure_id} Path does not match
43 industrial_list /industrial Path does not match
44 industrial_add /industrial/add Path does not match
45 plan_create_job_order /plan/{plan_id}/create_job_order/{production_order_id} Path does not match
46 job_update /sites/job_orders/status/{id} Path does not match
47 crm_job_order_list /job/order Path does not match
48 organizations_add /organizations-add Path does not match
49 organizations_list /organizations-list Path does not match
50 children_organization /organizations-organization/{structure_id} Path does not match
51 organizations_update /organizations-update/{structure_id} Path does not match
52 plan_list /plan/ Path does not match
53 plan_delete /plan/delete/{plan_id} Path does not match
54 plan_validate /plan/{id}/validate Path does not match
55 ecomodel_add /modeleco/{id}/add Path does not match
56 ecomodel_update /modeleco/{id}/update Path does not match
57 plan_config_step_1 /plan/{id}/company Path does not match
58 plan_config_step_2 /plan/{id}/eco_model Path does not match
59 plan_config_step_3 /plan/{id}/items Path does not match
60 print_add /print/add Path does not match
61 print_validation /print/validation Path does not match
62 print_logs /print/logs Path does not match
63 print_requests /print/requests Path does not match
64 print_request_start /print/requests/start/{id} Path does not match
65 job_details /job/{id}/details Path does not match
66 printer_get_job_order /job/{id}/{ext}/{status} Path does not match
67 printer_list /printer Path does not match
68 printer_add /printer/add Path does not match
69 plan_create_production_order /plan/{plan_id}/create_production_order Path does not match
70 get_production_order /get_production_order Path does not match
71 production_order_received /production_order_received Path does not match
72 extra_production_order_received /extra_production_order_received/{po_id} Path does not match
73 extra_production_order /extra_production_order/{p_id}/{epo_id} Path does not match
74 crm_job_quality_control /sites/job_orders/qualityControl/{id} Path does not match
75 job_quality_control /job/{id}/quality_control Path does not match
76 redirection_link /scan Path does not match
77 login /login Route matches!

Note: These matching logs are based on the current router configuration, which might differ from the configuration used when profiling this request.